Our mission is to provide free orthodontic treatment for disabled veterans and their family, ensuring that they receive the care they need to improve their oral health and overall well-being. We are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those who have served our country and their loved ones, and to helping them achieve a brighter, healthier future.  

Dr. Glenn Krieger

Founder | Orthodontist

Glen Krieger Embracing Our Warriors in Texas

“A nation is judged by how well it treats its veterans.”

– George Washington

A Message From My Heart


I want to take a moment to share a story straight from my heart, a story that inspired me to create “Embracing Our Warriors,” a non-profit organization close to my soul, and hopefully one day yours too.

You see, my journey began when a special patient, Darrel, walked into my office. He was not just any patient; he was a disabled veteran, a true hero who had served as a special operator in the Navy. As I sat with Darrel, listening to his story, my world turned upside down. He opened up about his struggles – the physical and emotional wounds he carried, the difficulty finding a job, and his desperate need for orthodontic care. But amidst it all, he had one simple dream: a smile. A smile that could bridge the gap between the life he once knew and the new reality he faced as a disabled veteran.

As he spoke, tears welled up in my eyes. I excused myself and rushed to my private office to regain my composure. How can someone who risked everything for our freedom be left in this state? Why are the treatment resources and supports not in place? How did Darrel fall through the cracks?

In that moment of anguish, I realized that we, as orthodontists, have a duty to step in. It is not just about the government or the system. We have a duty to help our heroes. Inspired by Darrel’s story and the kindness within our Orthopreneurs network, the idea for “Embracing Our Warriors” took shape.

Darrel Embracing Our Warriors in Texas
Darrel Rochell

I set my heart on creating a non-profit that could connect disabled veterans and their families with compassionate orthodontic specialists willing to provide pro bono treatment. So, my fellow attendees, I stand before you today, asking for your support in this noble cause.

I urge each of you to accept one pro bono case when we have a qualified disabled veteran or immediate family member in your area. You decide if you want to help once a month, once a quarter, or even once a year. Together, we will make a difference, offering the gift of a smile that uplifts spirits and changes destinies one family at a time.

This is our chance to show our compassion and gratitude, not just through words but with actions that touch the lives of those who have sacrificed so much for us. Imagine the impact we can create – the joy we can bring, the hope we can restore, and the self-esteem we can rebuild. Through Embracing Our Warriors, we have the opportunity to share our blessings, our skills, and our professional careers with those who deserve it most.

Thank you for listening to my story and joining me on this heartfelt endeavor. Together, we can truly serve and honor those who have sacrificed so selflessly for our freedom.